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How to Make the Most of Face-To-Face Meetings?



Face-To-Face Meetings

In an era when email, video calls services and internal messaging tools are widely available to businesses, I’m still a great believer that meeting people face-to-face can greatly improve your chances of striking a deal and thus improve your self-confidence.

During the course of any one month, I attend roughly 30 meetings, in person, to sell my company’s services. On average, I find that a quarter of those meetings lead directly to someone signing on the dotted line.

People now have very little time for real-life interaction whether it’s a formal boardroom affair or a casual coffee. Emails and phone calls tie us to our desks. But seeing potential sales leads in person provides you with a wealth of information that’s hard to discern via any other channel. It can be difficult to read reactions on a video call and near impossible through the vague and ambiguous medium of email.

From creating a bond with clients to showing off your expertise, there are many benefits to meeting face-to-face-if you get it right. We all need to push ourselves to get out and meet our clients and suppliers. Here are some tips for making the most of the meeting time you have.

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How to Make the Most of Face-To-Face Meetings?

Brush up on body language:

It’s much simpler to pick up on unconscious signals when you’re in the room with someone, compared to being on a call. There are rarely distractions. The people you meet are giving you their time, so they’re unlikely to check phone messages and emails while you chat.

Make a connection:

You will have the benefit of getting to know the person with whom you want to do business before and after the nitty gritty of the meeting. That few minutes-long conversation can go a long way to winning people over and letting them see the real you, creating a bond that sticks in their minds

Show off your expertise:

Directly addressing the business problems facing the person whom you’re meeting is a good way of convincing them that they need your services. In the case of the digital marketing agency clients, that means making use of the pitch to unveil successful advertising campaigns.

Be ready to adapt:

Meetings can take unexpected turns, so be prepared for tricky questions or tough negotiations. This is often much harder during a call or email. Reasoning and empathy work best when you can maintain eye contact and convey an understanding of the prospect’s particular situation.

Do your homework:

Make sure you match your team’s personalities with the others in the room. On many occasions, I’ve seen assumptions made about the most senior person at the table, only for everyone to be embarrassed when it turns out to be someone else.

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Match job roles:

If budget controllers are going to be there, take your managing or financial director to discuss monetary requirements. Leave unwanted characters behind. If you believe that one of your team would be the wrong fit for the meeting, make excuses and don’t take them. If they really must go, make sure that someone else on your team is in charge of keeping the meeting under control to avoid a personality clash.

Consider different scenarios:

If a meeting isn’t going to lead straight to a deal on this occasion, be gracious enough to thank your hosts for their time and offer to keep in touch. In my view, every connection that you make is positive. Even if you’ve travelled a long way and it transpires that there isn’t a major opportunity on the table, you’ve still got nothing to lose by being there.


“People buy from people” might be a cliché, but face-to-face business has stood the test of time. With more determination to get away from our desks, we might just make 2024 the year that meeting in person is once more considered time well spent.

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How To Start a Blog in 2024? The Starter Guide



How to start blog

Ah, the world of blogging – where ideas come to life, and stories are into captivating narratives. If you’re like me, the thought of starting a blog has probably crossed your mind more than once. After all, as someone who has been on this blogging journey for a while, I can attest to the immense satisfaction that comes with sharing your unique perspective with the world.

Now, as we step into 2024, the future of blogging has evolved yet again. But fear not, my friends! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of starting a blog in the coming year, drawing from my own experiences and a with personal opinions.

You see, I don’t subscribe to the notion that Google can truly understand the degree of content. Rather, I believe the search giant takes a more mathematical approach, comparing your words to the top-ranking articles and determining if your offering is worthy of a high placement. As we start building our blog, we’ll keep this in mind and include it in our approach. Before heading how to start a blog let’s first talk about the types of blogs, there are a wide range of blog types:

Types of Blogs

1. Personal Blog: A blog written by someone about their personal interests and hobbies. It might have ads and sponsors, but it’s not focused on a company or products.

2. Business Blog: This is a blog owned and run by a company. The purpose is to represent the company’s interests and share information about their products or services. 

3. Professional Blog: A blog owned and published by an individual, but it’s focused on their professional life and expertise. It could be related to their work at a company, but it’s more about showcasing their skills, experience, and credentials. The goal is to establish themselves as an expert in their industry and build their online reputation.

4. Corporate Blog: Corporate blogs owned and operated by a large corporation. The purpose is to communicate with the public. There may be multiple authors, but there’s usually a single main interest that represents the company’s voice.

5. Photoblog: A blog that primarily publishes photographs, with very little textual content. The focus is on visuals rather than written content.

6. Vlog: Vlog also known as video blog, meaning it publishes video content as the main focus, rather than relying on text-based articles.

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Reasons why people blog:

  • To share news and information with their audience
  • To connect with a community or their customers
  • To spread awareness about a particular topic or issue
  • To campaign for a cause or movement
  • For marketing purposes, such as content marketing
  • Simply because they enjoy writing
How to start blog

What should I blog about?

First and foremost, let’s address the question that’s likely on your mind: “What should I blog about?” This, my friends, is the cornerstone of your blogging journey. While the options are endless, it’s crucial to find a niche that aligns with your passions and expertise. After all, your readers will be drawn to the authenticity and depth of your knowledge.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But how do I choose the perfect topic?” Well, let me share a little secret. The key is to think deeply about the things that ignite a fire within you. What are you genuinely curious about? What experiences have you had that could benefit others? Write down these on a paper and the right topic will reveal itself; I promise.

What do you love doing?
What do you want people to remember you for?
What are you good at?
Who do you want to read your blog?

Answering these questions will help you find a specific topic or niche to write about. If your blog is just for fun because you love writing, you’re all set. But if you want to enjoy writing and make money from it, think about the niche seriously.

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And while choosing the niche also consider how to make money out of it. So, your niche and the article you write should be informational, commercial, and transactional. So, there are 3 main ways to make money from blogging: Advertising, Sponsorship, and Affiliate Marketing.

Advertising (Monetization):

Advertising means you can monetize your blog with Google Adsense or any other advertising program that allows bloggers to earn money by displaying third-party ads on their blogs. These advertising platforms like Google Adsense pays you a small amount of money when visitors on your blog view or click on the ads.

Sponsor Ads:

Sponsored ads are paid promotions on your blog where companies pay you to feature their products or services usually with banner ads or sponsored posts.

Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing means you promote a product on your blog and earn a commission for each sale made through your referral links. It’s an easy way to earn money through your blog by partnering with companies whose products align with your audience’s interests.

How to setup a blog?

How to setup a blog?

Once you’ve settled on your niche, it’s time to get down to the blog setup. This is where your organizational skills will come in handy. Start by selecting a user-friendly platform – WordPress, Wix, or Blogger, for example. These platforms offer a wealth of customization options, allowing you to create a visually appealing and functional blog. As you navigate the complexities of setting up your blog, remember to keep things simple. Avoid the temptation to overcomplicate things in the technical details. Instead, focus on creating a clean, simple layout that showcases your content in the best possible way.

Setting up a blog is easy and free you can actually do it for yourself by just watching a YouTube video. There are number of videos on YouTube here I posted the easy one. Check that out.

How to Make a Free Blog on

If you prefer not to use a free blogging platform, you can opt for a paid platform with the help of a professional website designer. This way you will have more control over customization, branding, and features. It also helps improve your Google ranking due to better customization options and technical support. If you’d like, we can assist you in setting up a professional blog using WordPress. Just drop your email on Contact Form.

How to create a content?

Now, let’s talk about content creation. This, my friends, is where the real magic happens. Approach each blog post with a clear purpose in mind. What message do you want to convey? What value are you offering your readers? Keep these questions at the forefront of your mind as you craft your articles.

As an experienced blogger with over 10 years under my belt, I’ve learned a thing or two about what it takes to create a truly engaging and inviting blogpost that keeps readers coming back for more.

Make your point: First and foremost, remember that your blog is an opportunity to connect with your audience on a personal level. It’s not just about delivering information – it’s about building a sense of community and making your readers feel like they’re part of something special. When it comes to composing your posts, the key is to have a clear purpose in mind. Whether it’s sharing your unique perspective, offering valuable insights, or simply entertaining your readers, make sure you have a point to make.

Be concise: Do not confuse your reader using difficult words – be concise and use language that’s easy to understand. And speaking of keeping things concise, don’t be afraid to break up your text with visuals like images, graphics, or even videos. Not only does this make your blog more visually appealing, but it also helps to keep your readers engaged.

Enhance your article: As you write, remember to keep your language accessible and engaging. Avoid overly complex or technical terms that may detach your readers. Instead, aim for a conversational tone that speaks directly to your audience. Use metaphors, storytelling, and the occasional bit of humor to keep your readers engage.

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Post consistently: I know it can be tough to keep up with the demands of blogging, especially when you have a busy schedule. Try using these things:

  • Plan your topics in advance.
  • Set aside dedicated writing time.
  • Break the writing into small tasks.
  • Use outlines to speed up writing.
  • Repurpose old content.

Still, you haven’t enough to write a blog then consider using guest blogging. Guest bloggers can be really useful. Having other experts or passionate people write for your blog can add variety, attract new readers, and your blog will be updated.

Proofreading: I know it can be tempting to just hit “publish” and move on, but trust me, taking the time to carefully review your posts for any typos or grammatical errors can make a big difference in the way your readers perceive your content. After all, you want to come across as a credible and professional writer, right?

Connect with your users: At the end of the day, the key to creating a successful blog is to remember that it’s not just about the content – it’s about building genuine connections with your audience. So don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through, engage with your readers on a personal level, and most importantly, connecting with them!

SEO for Blog

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Once you composed the article do not rush to publish it, there is one last and most important thing still remains and that is search engine optimization (SEO). Those who don’t know what SEO is. SEO means optimizing the article as per search engine guidelines to rank well in Google, Yahoo, Bing and many others.

SEO is about putting your blog’s best foot forward when it comes to visibility in search engines, but your ultimate goal are your users, not search engines. Optimizing your posts for search engine is crucial for driving traffic to your blog. And how do we do that?

How to write SEO optimized article?

  1. Conduct keyword research: Select the best keywords and phrases that people use when searching online.
  2. Write meta titles, and description: Meta titles and descriptions are brief summaries that appear in search engine results, summarizing what a webpage is about to help users decide if they want to click on it. Create unique, and accurate page titles, you can use ChatGPT to create some eye-catching meta titles.
  3. Use headlines H1, H2, and H3: Use headlines like H1, H2, and H3 it helps organize your content into clear sections, making it easier for readers to navigate and understand while also improving search engine optimization (SEO).
  4. Add Alt tags: Adding alt tags to images helps describe them for visually impaired users and improves SEO by providing context for search engines.
  5. Internal linking: Internal links are nothing hyperlinks or anchor text. They take your blog visitors from one page to another page that are relevant to them.

These are the few things you must do whenever you publish an article.

Now, just for a broad view to the new bloggers let’s look at the facts and stats about the world of blogging in 2024.

  • According to Arefs, a staggering 35% of bloggers who spend 6+ hours on a typical article report “strong results.”
  • survey shows that a remarkable 26% of people in the U.K. aged 5–18 years reads blog.

So, what does all this mean for you, the aspiring blogger? It means that the demand for quality, engaging content is stronger than ever. It’s time to roll up your sleeves and step into the world of blogging.

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Things to remember when blogging:

  • Think about why you’re blogging, and make sure every post you write suit align that goal.
  • Blogging is about building a community, not just publishing content. Engage with your audience and interact with them.
  • Use social media to your advantage – share your blog posts on as many platforms as possible to reach a wider audience.

End Note:

In the end, before starting this journey, remember to stay true to your unique voice and perspective. Don’t be afraid to experiment, to try new things, and to share your personal experiences. After all, that’s what sets great bloggers apart from the rest. Good Luck!

And if you really think this article helpful kindly share it with your family and friends! You can follow me on LinkedIn for more such articles.

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How to Cancel LinkedIn Premium? 2024 Guide



Learn the simple steps to cancel your LinkedIn Premium subscription, whether you’re using a computer or an iPhone. Our guide provides clear, easy-to-follow instructions for a hassle-free cancellation process. Let’s begin!

As a dedicated LinkedIn Premium user, you know the value it can bring – expanded access to insights, the ability to send InMails, and priority customer support. But sometimes, the cost just doesn’t align with your needs anymore. If you’re on decided about cancelling your LinkedIn Premium subscription, this guide is for you.

Benefits of Having a LinkedIn Premium Subscription:

LinkedIn Premium provides a suite of powerful tools to help you get ahead. With access to detailed analytics, the ability to message anyone on the platform, and customized job recommendations, it can be a game-changer for professionals looking to network, job hunt, or grow their businesses. The enhanced features are especially useful for salespeople, job seekers, and entrepreneurs. If you want to know more then read our previous article on why job seekers must use LinkedIn?

What to Consider Before Cancelling LinkedIn Premium:

But is LinkedIn Premium worth the monthly cost for you right now? Ask yourself a few key questions: Are you actively using the additional features? Have you achieved the goals you set out for with the premium subscription? If the answer to either is no, it may be time to reevaluate.

Remember, you can always reactivate your premium subscription down the line if your needs change. So, now if you are wondering how do I unsubscribe or cancel premium LinkedIn subscription then don’t worry LinkedIn makes it easy to cancel and restart your plan as needed.

How to Cancel LinkedIn Premium

How to Cancel LinkedIn Premium on PC?

  • Log into your LinkedIn account.
  • Click on the “Me” icon in the top right corner.
  • Select “Premium Subscriptions”.
  • Choose “Cancel Subscription”.
  • Follow the prompts to confirm your cancellation.
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How to Cancel LinkedIn Premium via the App:

  • The process is just as straightforward on the LinkedIn mobile app.
  • Tap on your profile picture
  • Go to Premium features.
  • Then tap on Subscription details under Premium Account and Features.
  • Tap Manage subscription.
  • Tap Cancel subscription on the Manage Premium account page.
  • Tap Continue to cancel on the Cancel subscription page and confirm.
  • Choose the reason for canceling on the Cancel subscription page and tap Continue to cancel.
  • Tap Done.

How to Cancel LinkedIn Premium via iPhone?

  • Open the App Store.
  • Tap on your profile icon.
  • Select “Subscriptions”.
  • Find your LinkedIn Premium plan.
  • Tap “Cancel Subscription”.

The Pros and Cons of Cancelling LinkedIn Premium:

Now, let’s talk about the positives and negatives of ditching your premium plan. On the plus side, you’ll save money each month – that extra cash can be used for other professional development activities or simply added to your savings. Many of LinkedIn’s core features remain available to free users, so you won’t lose access to the entire platform.

However, you will lose access to those premium-only tools that could be valuable, depending on your needs. For example, Laura, a sales rep, relied on the InMail credits to connect with hard-to-reach prospects. After cancelling, she noticed her response rates dropped. On the other hand, Jason, an entry-level job seeker, found the free version of LinkedIn sufficient for his networking and job search efforts.

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The bottom line is that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It comes down to evaluating your specific goals and usage. If the premium features aren’t serving you right now, don’t hesitate to make the switch to the free plan. You can always upgrade again in the future if your needs change.

Whichever path you choose, the LinkedIn community is here to support you on your professional journey. Here’s to your continued success!

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How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others?



“Comparison is an act of violence against the self.”

Iyanla Vanzant

As a recent college graduate, I still remember the anxious feeling I had when browsing through my friends’ social media feeds. There they were, proudly sharing photos from their new corporate jobs, smiling confidently in their business attire. Meanwhile, I was still sending out countless job applications, unsure if I would ever land the job I dreamed of.

I couldn’t help but compare myself to my friends – why did it seem so easy for them, while I was struggling? This constant comparison only made me feel worse about my own situation. I knew I needed to break this toxic habit, but it was easier said than done.

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others?

If you’re a job seeker who finds yourself in a similar situation, constantly stressing over how you measure up to your colleagues and classmates, know that you’re not alone. Comparison is a universal human experience, but it’s one we have to learn to overcome, especially when looking for a new job.

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The Negative Impacts of Comparison:

Comparing yourself to others can have serious consequences. It can lower your self-confidence, leaving you feeling inadequate and insecure. This self-doubt can then hold you back from putting your best foot forward in the job search process.

Constant comparison can also foster feelings of bitterness, resentment, and even depression. Instead of celebrating the successes of your friends, you may find yourself feeling bitter or envious. This toxic mindset is the opposite of what you want when trying to present your most confident, positive self to potential employers.

Additionally, comparing yourself to idealized online personas can give you an unrealistic and skewed view of other people’s lives. this is one of the main difference between a successful and unsuccessful people they don’t spend time on these kinds of things. The highlight reel you see on social media doesn’t tell the full story – everyone faces their own unique challenges, even if they don’t share them publicly.

“Don’t compare your Chapter 1 to someone else’s Chapter 20.”


Breaking the Comparison Cycle:

So how can you break free from the comparison trap and focus on your own unique journey? Here are some tips:

  1. Practice thankfulness: Take a few minutes each day to reflect on what you’re thankful for in your life. This can help shift your mindset away from lack and insufficiency.
  2. Limit your social media usage: Be intentional about when and how you use social media platforms and avoid aimless scrolling that may trigger jealousy or self-doubt.
  3. Celebrate small wins: Acknowledge and reward yourself for each step forward, no matter how small. Job seeking can be a long and difficult process, so it’s important to recognize your progress.
  4. Seek out positive influences: Surround yourself with people who lift you up and make you feel good about yourself. Limit time with those who tend to be negative or critical.
  5. Focus on your own lane: Instead of worrying about how you measure up to others, shift your attention to your own unique strengths, skills, and goals. Trust that your path is unfolding exactly as it should.
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The Bottom Line:

Comparison is the enemy of joy, and it can be especially toxic when you’re in the midst of a job search. But by implementing strategies to overcome this tendency, you can build your self-confidence, maintain a positive mindset, and present your best self to potential employers.

Remember, your journey is your own. Trust that if you keep putting one foot in front of the other, you’ll end up exactly where you’re meant to be.

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